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Our store in the George's Arcade is open 10.30-6pm Mon-Fri, 11-6pm Saturday and 1-5pm on Sundays
Our store in the George's Arcade is open 10.30-6pm Mon-Fri, 11-6pm Saturday and 1-5pm on Sundays

D'You Remember Yer Man?

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From lovable oddballs and quirky miscreants to out-and-out chancers and the certifiably insane, the streets of Dublin have been filled with an eclectic cast of characters down through the years.

D'You Remember Yer Man? is aided by comic illustrations from Ruan van Vliet asBobby Aherne relates the stories of over 100 of the city's most eccentric inhabitants - the likes of Bang Bang and Hairy Yank, Shellshock Joe and Endymion. The resulting anecdotes are often hilarious and other times tragic, but always fascinating, providing an insight into the people who have passed into Dublin Folklore.


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