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Our store in the George's Arcade is open 10.30-6pm Mon-Fri, 11-6pm Saturday and 1-5pm on Sundays
Our store in the George's Arcade is open 10.30-6pm Mon-Fri, 11-6pm Saturday and 1-5pm on Sundays

Exploding Kittens

The most-backed project in Kickstarter History, Exploding Kittens is a family-friendly game for people who are into kittens and explosions.
  • Exploding Kittens is the perfect board game for adults and kids who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.
  • More than 9 million copies sold, breaking records in games for kids, games for adults, and everything in-between.
  • A highly strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Basically, if you draw an Exploding Kitten, you lose and you are full of loser sad-sauce. If you don’t explode, YOU WIN! Congratulations, you are full of greatness!

 Weight: 181g

Dimensions: 11.2 x 16.2 x 3.8 cm

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