Stayin' in. Stayin' busy.
Nowadays, we're all stuck at home self isolating, phone in hand, Netflix on the telly. While you're blissfully breezing through your latest binge trying to keep your mind off the latest news and media developments, you gaze down at your phone to open up that new notification that just beamed in via your group chat.
Horrified, yet amused, you open a link disguised as a news article only to lead you to a picture of a well-endowed man respectfully named, Wood. This link has been doing the rounds of many a group chat around the globe. Masquerading as a new development in the Covid-19 pandemic, it has surely done it's job!
Now, while i'm on this subject, one thing you can be sure that's keeping us entertained is our good friend, the meme. While we now live in a fast paced society, running here and running there, memes serve a great purpose of delivering a good visual joke, quickly and efficiently! Who ever you're self isolating right now, whether it be family, friends or house mates, why not get everyone together around the table to a play a game? From the creators of Cards Against Humanity, comes another great title, What Do You Meme? Create your own hilarious memes and compete against your fellow quarantine buddies!
If you're looking for something slightly more classic, then you can do no wrong with Cards Against Humanity. Simply stated in the game's motto, it truly is a party game for horrible people. This card game will definitely draw a few 'gasps' and 'oofs' around the table, as is it's goal. If you're craving a dose of crude humour or you're feeling brave enough to let your darker side shine then why not give it a go? If you wish to spice things up a little bit then you can always call on the expansions to help you out there! Don't forget to add a bit of colour, the Red, Green and Blue boxes also serve as larger add-ons to your ever growing despicable card collection. Be sure to warn your family and friends!
Times can be tough when you've burned through your entire tv show list. I can't tell you how much time I spend endlessly scrolling up and down trying to find a series or movie to sink my teeth into. If you've just finished binging Ru Paul's Drag Race and need to fill that void with outrageous outfits, massive hair, make-up eyelashes, sparkling glitter and sassy quotes, then take a look at Game Of Queens. Pitt these beautifully illustrated, world famous drag queens against each other in the ultimate battle of sass and reality tv drama goodness!
News and media outlets have become a never ending sea of fear, anxiety and just down right shite vibes. If you simply can't navigate through this trying time of keeping your eyes and ears away from startling reports and statistics, why not try to find some fun in it? If you think of the words gobshite, and news, there is one man that springs to mind. I doubt I even have to mention his name. Do you want to use the words and wisdom of President Trump in the good name of fun during the lockdown? Presenting the Fake News Game Trump edition. Based on the most absurd and ridiculous statements given to the world by Donald himself. Can you guess which of the 56 statements are true or false?
There's are some ideas of the many products we sell in our store that can keep you busy while go about your day to day during lockdown.
Remember, we are now back open for online orders only. All of your favourite gifts and cards are now available for home delivery! 5% of all our sales will be donated to help the heroes on the frontline!
Stay home and stay safe everyone. Peace and love, the Maktus team.
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